HTTP Method: GET

URL: /api/v2/recordings

Authentication: Requires API Key in the request header.

Query Parameters:

Choose one of the following parameters to filter by (Note that you can only filter by one parameter at a time):

  • studioId: ID of the studio to filter recordings

  • projectId: ID of the studio to filter recordings

Response: List of recordings objects

Rate limit: once every 30 seconds for unique request (e.g. different pages not limited)

Sorting: Lists objects in order of “newest created first”

Pagination: By default every response is capped at 20 recordings


  • page page you are viewing

  • next_page_url

  • total_items

  • total_pages


  • page page that you want to receive (optional, defaults to page 0)

Status Codes:

  • 200 OK Recordings retrieval successful.

  • 401 Unauthorized Authentication failed.

Sample Request

GET /api/v2/recordings?studioId=1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: BEARER YOUR_API_KEY

Sample Request with pagination

GET /api/v2/recordings?studioId=1&page=4 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: BEARER YOUR_API_KEY

Sample Response

  "page": 0,
  "next_page_url": "/api/v2/recordings?studioId=1&page=1",
  "total_items": 200,
  "total_pages": 2,
  "data": [{
      "recording_id": "rec123",
      "name": "Recording 1",
      "project_id": "640479c9-1222-4161-1234-dee0d855e685",
      "project_name": "Project 1",
      "studio_id": "640479c9-1222-4161-1234-dee0d855e685",
      "studio_name": "Studio 1", 
      "status": "ready",
      "created_date": "2024-04-28T12:00:00Z",
      "tracks": [{
          "id": "track123",
          "type": "participant",
          "status": "done",
          "files": [{
              "type": "compressed_audio",
              "download_url": ""
      }, {
          "id": "track456",
          "type": "screenshare",
          "status": "done",
          "files": [{
              "type": "raw_video",
              "download_url": ""
    }, {
      "recording_id": "rec456",
      "name": "Recording 2",
      "project_id": "640479c9-1222-4161-1234-dee0d855e685",
      "project_name": "Project 1",
      "studio_id": "640479c9-1222-4161-1234-dee0d855e685",
      "studio_name": "Studio 1", 
      "status": "uploading",
      "created_date": "2024-04-27T10:30:00Z",
      "tracks": [{
          "id": "track789",
          "type": "media board",
          "status": "processing",
          "files": []
   }, {